• Hotels Booking Up Early in Preparation for the Eclipse April 8th

    Hotels in both Vermont and New York are already gearing up for the solar eclipse coming April 8th.

    This eclipse is a rare one — it will be the first total solar eclipse to directly hit the North Country in at least a millennium.

    According to the Press Republican,  a partial eclipse on Aug. 21, 2017 brought more than 500 people to the Adirondack Sky Center and Observatory in Tupper Lake and around 1,800 to the Wild Center, but tourism officials expect visitation on April 8 to eclipse that figure many times over.

    Mark Breen, Senior Meteorologist and Planetarium Director at the Fairbanks Museum in St. Johnsbury, told Vermont Public that “the path will basically cover all of the Adirondacks and St. Lawrence Valley, and in Vermont, the top of the area will be around Montreal, and the lower part of the area will run near Middlebury, Montpelier, St. Johnsbury and Bethlehem, New Hampshire.”


  • The BEST of 2023 in Positive News

    Posted on in categories Local , Positive Newstagged#camptakumta , #wildmustangs , luisguzman

    From stories of gentling wild mustangs with The Project Equestrian, scooter riding dogs in Essex to record-breaking fundraisers for Camp Ta-Kum-Ta, 2023 was a year of many positives in the midst of some tough challenges with the flooding in the North Country. Even celebrity boosts from Luis Guzman on Jeopardy and eyebrows raised for a Rod Stewart look-alike in Vergennes, we had quite an eye-popping year. Scroll through some of our favorite stories in Backyard Burlington’s Positive News or check out these fun video favs from our friends over at WPTZ:

    Video Highlights of 2023 courtesy of WPTZ HERE

  • New Year's Eve Festivities in Vermont and New York

    Posted on in categories Event , Local , Music , Positive Newstaggednew years eve

    If you’re stumped on what to do this New Year’s Eve, there are LOADS of events going on both sides of the lake! From Karaoke fun at Park Place in Essex Junction, Vermont to Fulton’s Folly at Whiteface Lodge – take a peek at these listing to find something to ring in 2024!

    Vermont – click HERE

    New York – click HERE

  • Basketball Tournament for Judy's Alzheimers Awareness

    Posted on in categories Local , Positive Newstagged#alzheimers , #basketballtournament , #elizabethtownny , #scholarship

    ELIZABETHTOWN, NY – (Courtesy of the Press Republican)

    Thirteen years ago, John Konowitz got a few high school coaches together and started the Judy’s Alzheimer’s Awareness Basketball Tournament.

    His purpose was to give thanks to the many players and parents who would help watch over his wife — then starting to wander as she struggled with the disease — as he was coaching individual or team clinics on the court.

    “Our goal is always to keep the money local and to benefit our youth,” Chris Korowitz said. “ Last year we were able to award scholarships of $500 each to 25 participating senior players, as well as donate $3,000 to the Third Age Alzheimer’s Day Care Center.


  • Gift Giving for Children at the UVM MC Thanks to Operation Fire Cuffs

    Posted on in categories Local , Positive News

    First responders and organizations from across Vermont took on the role of Santa’s Helpers on Thursday afternoon at the 13th annual Operation Fire Cuffs.

    Around 45 organizations took part in the event, donating and collecting gifts throughout the year, that were brought to the University of Vermont Medical Center. Volunteers said on Friday, families of children spending their holidays in the hospital will pick out presents for their kids.



  • Plattsburgh's Christmas Bureau Raises $50,000 for Local Children

    Posted on in categories Local , Positive Newstagged#kids , #plattsburgh , Christmas

    In the spirit of holiday cheer, the Christmas Bureau in Plattsburgh is working tirelessly to ensure that children in Clinton County wake up to presents under the tree this festive season.

    Volunteers at the Christmas Bureau have embraced the role of Santa’s helpers, meticulously crafting lists and checking them twice to bring joy to families in need.


  • Record $211K Raised for Camp Ta-Kum-Ta

    Posted on in categories Local , Positive Newstagged#camptakumta , #feelgoodfriday

    In their 25th year of the “It’s Kool to Send a Kid to Camp Ta-Kum-Ta” fundraiser, KOOL 105 Morning Host John Brooks and Afternoon Host Mark Knight teamed up once again to help make a record-breaking fundraising effort of $211,365.69. Camp Ta-Kum-Ta is Vermont and New York’s camp for kids with cancer. Each year, the radio station and volunteers raise enough funds to send as many kids to camp as possible.

    This year, EVERYONE who needs camp can go, thanks to the generosity of the KOOL 105 listeners, volunteers and the crew at the radio station. There’s still time to donate to this worthy cause HERE:


  • St. Albans Tractor Parade Steps Off Friday 6pm 12/8

    Posted on in categories Local , Positive News , Travel & Adventuretagged#stalbans , #tractorparade

    After the devastating flooding Vermont farmers faced this past summer, St. Albans farmers have banded together for a celebratory Tractor Parade thatwinds through St. Albans this Friday night. Vermont’s Secretary of Agriculture, Anson Tebbetts said “Farmers of Franklin County and beyond are doing this to thank the community for supporting them all the years that they’ve been there,” Over 60 farmers will participate with lighted tractors, trucks and more to celebrate.


  • Troy's Toy Drive Set for Saturday 12-9 4pm

    Posted on in categories Local , Positive News , Travel & Adventuretagged#802 , #troystoydrive , Backyardburlington

    Since 2015, founder Troy Austin has been rounding up new, unwrapped toys to insure no child goes without a present during the holidays. This Saturday starting at 4 pm, the Albert D. Lawton school in Essex Junction will host trucks and vehicles ablaze in holiday lights, cookies and of course, Santa to accept donations of unwrapped new toys until 6:30 pm.


  • Lawson's celebrates Giving Tuesday with a huge "Sip of Support"

    Posted on in category Positive News

    Lawson’s Finest Liquids is a true Vermont heritage brand.  They celebrated #GivingTuesday this year by donating $76,000 to 52 nonprofit organizations through their program called, “Sip of Support.”  program. The funds will be shared across a variety of causes in Vermont- including sustainable recreation, mental health support, senior health support, individuals with disabilities and so many more.


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