Hotels Booking Up Early in Preparation for the Eclipse April 8th

Posted on in categories Event , Hiking , Local , Positive News tagged #eclipseadirondacks , #eclipsenorthcountry , #eclipsevt , #solareclipse

Hotels in both Vermont and New York are already gearing up for the solar eclipse coming April 8th.

This eclipse is a rare one — it will be the first total solar eclipse to directly hit the North Country in at least a millennium.

According to the Press Republican,  a partial eclipse on Aug. 21, 2017 brought more than 500 people to the Adirondack Sky Center and Observatory in Tupper Lake and around 1,800 to the Wild Center, but tourism officials expect visitation on April 8 to eclipse that figure many times over.

Mark Breen, Senior Meteorologist and Planetarium Director at the Fairbanks Museum in St. Johnsbury, told Vermont Public that “the path will basically cover all of the Adirondacks and St. Lawrence Valley, and in Vermont, the top of the area will be around Montreal, and the lower part of the area will run near Middlebury, Montpelier, St. Johnsbury and Bethlehem, New Hampshire.”


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