Meet Jonah: The 15-Year-Old Crocheting Prodigy Who Donates His Profits to Ethiopian Kids in Need

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Lauren Hando & Rebekah Brandes for Nice News

Many might see crocheting as a hobby for older generations, but 15-year-old Jonah Larson is a self-taught prodigy in the field. He’s been crocheting since he was just 5, with hopes that the meticulous craft will help prepare him to be a surgeon one day. The teen from Wisconsin has gained real traction on social media in recent years, going by “Jonah’s Hands” online.


“After a very hard, busy, chaotic day in this busy world with school, it’s just nice to know that I can come home and crochet in my little corner of the house while sitting by the one I love most: my mom,” he told NPR back in 2019.

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